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Rhode Island: A Space and Opportunity

I woke up to the sound of a basketball dribbling

And a cool breeze ‘whistlin’

And the deep sound of a city about to awaken

What does the day hold, and what possibilities?

A simple prayer of not a cup half full but overflowing

Pawtucket, where the rivers flow and the streets are old and winding

Reunions and absolutions, redemptions, and new intentions

Words spoken and heard…hearts broken observed

Seen and loved…loved and seen…seen and heard

My sister, as beautiful as her name -Dawn

A name like a new day, a new chapter, new beginnings, new laughter, and a new sunrise….mmm

Let me tell you something…God is good….mmm

mmm is her sound of wisdom, strife, and real-life

Brothers and sister remembering, reminiscing, and missing.

Trippin, eating, laughing, and ‘dissin’…brothers and sister loved and not left behind

Walking on the land of our past and present

Stepping in, stepping forward, and stepping through

Rhode Island, where the family was, is, and will be

Woodbines, Cypress, and Evergreens

Hope with a 100-year history and legacy of Venters and Prices and destinies.

Fallen gravestones and family markers

Armstrong memorial placards

Missing family, but regaining history and stories both scary and glorious

Now, new chapters are being written

New lines, new shine, and new times

Legacy remembered but destined together

Temples and churches and faith places

Schools and parks and late-night talks

Carousel rides with childish eyes and laughter

Our memories, like Rhode Island Roads with twists and turns and surprises

I woke up to the sound of a basketball dribbling

And a cool breeze ‘whistlin’

And the deep sound of a city and family I had been missing

What does the day hold, and what possibilities in Rhode Island?

A simple prayer of not a cup half full but overflowing…Between space and opportunity


  • Paulette Gonsalves
    Posted September 7, 2023 at 8:45 pm

    Fraser, this was absolutely beautiful. So very sorry we were not here to welcome you all home. Some time we feel like face book is part of the devil but it is times like this I am thankful for it. Without it so many of us would have never been able to reconnect with each other. Goes to show there is good and bad in everything. Love you all as I loved your dad. May God keep watching over us. Love to All

  • Darlene Clark
    Posted September 7, 2023 at 8:57 pm

    Rhode Island is and always will be home. For me a trip home to Rhode Island always rejuvenates me puts life back into its proper perspective. Sometimes it takes being away from home to truly appreciate it. 🦋❣️

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