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He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? (NRSV)

But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously— take God seriously. (MSG)

 I love Micah 6:8 as it reminds us that justice work is not only a discipline of formation but a practice in witness and action. If you are figuring out what a significant practical step in the justice journey would be, let me share with you a few ways to get started.

  1. Grow – Take the time to learn what God has to say about Justice and Injustice and make space to learn from Justice practitioners.
  2. Give – Partner with these organizations or many others not on this list. Jesus was clear: Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matthew 6:19-20).
  3. Go – Take the time physically to participate in one of these organizations. Justice is a relational work that needs our heads, hearts, hands, feet, and even voices.

Below is a list of ministries I partner with at various degrees with my time, treasure, or talent. I will keep updating as I get the privilege of partnering with many more justice ambassadors and leadership coaches.



Bringing Hope, Healing, and Restoration to those seeking freedom from abusive relationships.
Our mission is to mobilize faith communities, financial partners, and all segments of society towards ending human trafficking and creating new futures through community-based action.

Wunders exists to equip girls and women with locally made sustainable menstrual supplies and community-informed education so that they can thrive.

One of the most vulnerable times in a girl’s life is when she begins to menstruate. Shame, embarrassment, and lack of access to education, proper sanitation, and period supplies marginalize girls and women. If girls don’t have supplies, they miss school and often drop out.

ICCM is a global network of compassionate people who identify children facing some of the world’s greatest challenges. We empower that network to come alongside kids in very practical ways.
Since 1998, heavenly treasures has assisted refugees, single mothers, widows, the physically disabled, women & children rescued from human trafficking, orphans, the disenfranchised, and many others. Lives around the world are affected each day through the sale of handicrafts. Each product made reflects the heart and soul of one or more of our artisans around the world. Assistance is provided to artisans in the areas of Business Development, International Marketing, Leadership Training, Product Development and Spiritual Guidance. We desire to see people fed physically, spiritually & emotionally.
For 27 years ELI has been on a mission to empower orphans and families to crush poverty, embrace Christ, and share their transformation with others. And this movement is still growing!

Restor(y) exists to partner with the local church on the hope filled journey to restoration and healing. We do this by providing trauma informed resources, training, and long term partnerships to pastors, ministry leaders, and entire congregations. In all these ways, we invite the church to live into a different story, one marked by the hope of Jesus. We invite you to join us in working for healing until every church embodies the hope of Jesus.

Guided by our belief that healthy leaders heal the world, we specifically aim to partner with organizations that are making a meaningful difference. We focus our work in the helping professions, specifically in the non-profit and public service sector activating purpose, holistic wellness, and strategy development through assessments, coaching, and strategic consulting. Our mission is rooted in the fundamental understanding that as we help leaders and teams thrive, that creates a ripple effect that extends far beyond individual organizations and moves into communities and ultimately benefits the world.